Balance advantage funds

If you wish to invest in equities but are concerned about market volatility,consider investing in balanced advantage funds. Balanced advantage funds shift their allocation  to equities and debt dynamically,depending on market valuation , they raise equity allocation when markets are down and reduce it when markets are trading at expensive valuations.
                Experts say that balanced advantage funds are a good option for investors who wish to capture the wealth  creation opportunities of equities,while benefiting from the stability of debt,these
funds offer a diversified portfolio where the asset allocation across equity and debt is defined by the fund manager,They are suitable for investors with a long investment horizon who wish to mitigate market risk through active asset allocation,
                 These funds are also well suited for new investors , They are especially useful for those who want to  avoid volatility,and for investors getting into equities for the first time,
                  Balanced advantage funds have predefined valuation models for deciding equity - debt allocation ,while each fund uses its own valuation tool, such as price to earning ,price to book,earnings yields,bond yield and so on ,all of them are focused on buying stocks cheap and selling them dear.They re-balance at the end of month, depending on change in valuation, such allocation arrangement ensures that the investor gets to participate in market upside ,while in case of market correction the presence of the debt component ensures that the downside is protected.


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